Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve 2007

The Prayer of Confession and Pardon that was read at the Midnight Candlelight service at Trinity:

Gather us gracious God in the warmth of your presence. Grant us grace on this Christmas Eve to be honest. We have not been the church you called us to be. Rather than confess and repent of our sin we find it easier to blame others and justify ourselves. While this time is to prepare for your coming, so much of our hope and faith rests on what we can do for ourselves. Yet we confess to you this evening that what we can do is not enough. We live in a troubled world and we cannot seem to change this world no matter how hard we try. We need your light. We need your peace. We need your love. We need you. Amen.

Tonight as I am minutes away from seeing Christmas morning, this prayer of confession has seemed to struck a chord with me.

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