Sunday, October 21, 2007

What is Church?

Here I go thinking again? We have been studying as a church this Treasures of the Transformed Life study thing. It has been pretty good. This week we were looking at "presence" - the 2nd of 4 commitments people make when they join a United Methodist Church. (Prayers, Presence, Gifts, and Service). Also (thanks to Joey Koskie :) ) I have a new book by Alexander Schmemann I started reading (this may end up on my of top 4 books to read)So now I find myself tonight asking questions....
What is church? What is it really supposed to look like? I spend a great deal of my time creating and developing media that is intended to help connect people with the Gospel of Christ in worship. We have this huge awesome facility that we worship in and have sunday school and small groups in. We do these great studies as a church, we have a bunch of things going on. We support a bunch of great causes. Start and do a bunch of programs. I think of the family of God in the old testament following God in the pillar of fire and smoke. I think of the disciples having meals together with Jesus and feeding 5k people, and teaching them. I think of the Acts 2 church praying, eating, studying and serving together and taking care of each other's needs. I think of the needs of the world, I think of the deep needs of this Ruston community of which I belong. I think of the deep needs within this church family of which I belong. Are we really being Christ to this world or even to each other?
I don't want to start sounding like I want to be some typical Gen X kid (is 33 years old still considered a kid?) that wants to rebel against the systems in place. Or sounding like I think that the church in general (or my church specific for that matter) is a miserable failure. I see great things that God is doing and has done. I see how I wouldn't be living the life I have if it weren't for the followers of Christ before me and with me paving the way. I don't want to undermine what God is doing either.
I just can't help catching these visions of life being more than going to worship on Sundays and reading my bible during the week. I keep catching this vision of the church really being a people that love each other. Radically trying to take care of each other and meet each others real needs. Which frees us all up to be more effective at meeting the deep needs of others. Not that we aren't doing this at all, I just see it being possible on a completely larger scale. I feel we have the power granted to us through Christ to dramatically change the world around us. To impact the lives around us in ways that would change everything. Are these visions of grandeur, or delusion, or of some mystic utopia? I just keep feeling like we are just experiencing one minuscule bit of what "church" is supposed to be. It seems sometimes we have a church that people come to, and then they go back to their lives. I by no means would want to have everyone at the church all the time, but why does there seem to be such a separation of our "sacred" life and our "real" life?
I am stopping here because this is becoming increasingly more of a collection of rambling thoughts than I should probably allow myself to post here, but since I started it, I figured I would just let it be.

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