"The doctor, who would not normally always check to see the baby via ultrasound did so. We never felt any major movement however last night we saw a different part of her (angelica) sticking up which we mistook for an arm. (I guess it was a foot). That's right folks she flipped somehow and quite surreptitiously in the past 24 hours and no one was the wiser till this morning. We were waiting to go in to the OR but were delayed because of a prior emergency C-section. We were scheduled for 10am. We realised the baby was not breached at about 10:15am (Go figure) Waiting made all the difference. Last week the baby was breached and it was definitely a God-thing that Hilary had to wait. Who would have thought of this happening at this stage in the game? At the doctor visit on Tuesday the baby was still breach and with so little fluid to turn the likely hood of continued breach even if we went to 41 weeks seemed inevitable. The doctor admitted that in all her years she had never seen something like this happen in so short a time. Pray works even for those that think it probably won't. Admittedly both Hilary and I were in that position where we felt it simply inevitable and that pray was merely a formality."
Well, here are the stats of the miracle baby.
Length 19.25 inches
Apgar score 9 + 9
Head circumference 14.25
Alright...I'm really not trying to be nitpicky here, but I'm sincerely curious because I've never heard of that name before. "Patients" are people who wait for doctors. "Patience" is a good and Godly virtue where a person endures uncomfortable circumstances in faith that better things will come in the future. But I haven't seen the new and recent kids names...thankfully I haven't had to worry about that as a single guy! But I'm sure people are now spelling names like "Caleb" like "Kayleb" for their new babies because they feel the need to be original, so maybe it was intentional. Please advise.
Oh yeah...but congratulations to your friends either way though, that's such an awesome blessing!
Alight, so I can't spell ... I will fix the post... Just be Patient!!!
So do you want me to be a patient? Is that what you're asking for? You're not getting anywhere NEAR me with a needle or stethoscope!
"Rob...I'm afraid the news is bad...you have a permanent case of bad BO...there's nothing we can do."
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