Thursday, April 26, 2007


Locks of Love

Well, this may be more of a challenge than I thought. I am becoming more aware of my hair than ever. It may have to do with the amounts of comments I am starting to get, especially since this is the longest I have ever let my hair grow. It doesn't look like much in the picture... but it sure feels like a bunch.

One of my thoughts I have had on this hairy challenge is that I want all of my life to be a living sacrifice. I don't want there to be any thing left of me that I could have offered to others when I die. I want all of me to be used completely by God to further His kingdom here on earth. So as you see my hair grow and approach the 10 inches needed for Locks of Love, know that this hair has turned into my reminder of prayer to be a living sacrifice.

It is interesting how God keeps taking things that I am doing and it seems to turn into bigger things. I knew about locks of love and what a wonderful thing it is to help out kids that have lost their hair to illness or treatment for some illness. I simply was due for a hair cut and thought to myself how I am simply waisting my hair when I get it cut every month or so when there are kids out there that could really use it. So I just started letting it grow. Now this has turned into a major source of prayer for me.

I just haven't found that I have strength like Samson yet.


Unknown said...

Are you really doing the Locks of Love thing? Or are you just rambling?

Anonymous said...

He's really doing it man!

SteveM said...

I am so going for it! I wrote that kind of late... so it may sound like ramblings... but Yes. I am going for it.