Then the Granderson visit!
Which included camping with Alan Johnson, Brad Granderson and Me, and this of course included riding the trail at Lincoln Parish Park. (Caleb joined us and did awesome!!!)
Kids are out for summer. Caleb and Ethan had a great year!
We have built our own mountain bike trail in the woods at the front of the neighborhood.
I got to make a video in honor of Rev. Fred Wideman who has been the Senior pastor of Trinity for 13 years and has just been appointed to Broadmoor UMC in Baton Rouge. It was fun editing and listening to the 50+ interviews we had done where people got to answer the question: "How has Jesus used Fred Wideman to impact your life?" It has been an interesting emotional time going through this change at our church.
I got to make a fool out of myself "singing" a silly song with our church staff at an all church banquet in honor of Fred.
We had our first "Thai Night" (Which I hope will become a monthly thing) Where our new friends from Thailand come over. They cooked us dinner and it was great! It is our turn to cook something "American" next month (I'll take any suggestions - what is an American meal?).
There is much more that happened this month. But that is enough for the review. If you just want one more piece of evidence of all the fun stuff we have been doing here is one more picture: